Chairman Yarmuth believes that we have an obligation to protect our environment for current and future generations. As the consequences of global climate change becomes more and more alarmingly, it is important to recognize the particular urgency we must take in reforming our systems of energy production. In order to avert a global crisis, we must implement comprehensive change and support the mobilization efforts necessary to accomplish this task. Chairman Yarmuth supports legislation that makes historic investments in new energy-efficient technologies, works to reduce emissions, and promotes our nation's energy independence.

Protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink is a top priority for Chairman Yarmuth. He is a vocal advocate for ending the practice of mountaintop removal mining, which jeopardizes the health and well-being of families in the surrounding communities. He introduced the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act, which would require the government to perform the first federal study of public health impacts of mountaintop removal mining and stop the practice completely unless it can be proven to be safe.