Chairman Yarmuth has immense gratitude for the men and women of our armed services, and he believes strongly that our nation should be as committed to our heroes in uniform as they are to our safety and security. He understands the great sacrifices that these men and women and their families make for the United States, and he is dedicated to honoring their service by ensuring that they have the benefits and resources they need to build a strong, healthy, and successful future upon returning home.

Chairman Yarmuth has helped secure funding for enhanced veterans' health care and the construction of a new, state-of-the-art VA Hospital in Louisville to deliver quality care to our local veterans. He was a strong supporter of the post 9/11 G.I. Bill, which has significantly expanded educational benefits for returning veterans, and he has cosponsored legislation to offer additional resources to veterans who pursue academic opportunities after their service. He also believes that we must take additional steps to improve care and support for our women veterans, and he has cosponsored efforts to provide more equitable treatment and engagement for minority and LGBTQ veterans. Chairman Yarmuth will work with his colleagues to ensure that our veterans receive all of the benefits and care they were promised and sacrificed to earned.